COVID-19 Precautions
If you are attending the practice please ensure to wear a mask, as our practice is a healthcare setting.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19, please take an antigen test before attending the practice.
If your test is positive we can offer a telephone consultation as an alternative.
Click here for HSE information on COVID-19.
Doctor Visit Cards
As you may be aware in 2023 the government announced the expansion of free GP care to all children under the age of 8 and and to households earning below the new median income threshold.
Eligible current practice patients can now apply as follows:
If your child is aged 6 or 7, you can apply online for a Doctor Visit Card.
If your household earns below the median income (€47,000 per year after deductibles) you can apply online for a Doctor Visit Card.
When making an application, please quote panel number 53792 for Dr John O Brien.
A Little Bit About
Castleknock Medical Centre
Castleknock Medical Centre is located at 1 Auburn Drive, Castleknock, Dublin 15. We provide a full range of GP services delivered by our Doctors, Nurses and Phlebotomist.
We are a teaching practice with a strong interest in medical education. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive range of services in a caring and empathic fashion.
The Surgery is open from 8am to 5.30pm. All consultations are by appointment only. Our telephone lines are open from 9.00-12.00 and 14.00 - 16.30.
Our doctors participate in the Dublin Doctor out of hours service, North DOC. This operates for the hours the surgery is closed & can be contacted at 0818 224476.

New Patients
Thank you for your interest in joining the practice.
​Our lists are regularly reviewed for capacity.
Contact Us
For requests such as repeat prescriptions, illness certificates, doctor letters/forms and test results, see Online Services. If you need urgent medical attention, please call us, as emails may not be read immediately.
Clinical queries should not be submitted via email, text or any of the forms on this website as they may not be addressed in a timely manner.
Phone numbers & email addresses are found at the bottom of all pages.
Opening Hours
Monday-Friday: 08.00-17.30
Closed for lunch: 13.00-14.00
Phone for Appointment:
Monday-Friday: 09.00-12.00
Monday-Friday: 14.00-16.30
Weekends & Bank Holidays: Closed